Lymphatic Detox and Masterclass

Lymphatics101: The Fluid of Life

Understand one of the most underrated systems in the body and how to self-treat or apply it to others.

Move through a carefully curated detox that won’t feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle; get the body and mind working better for you via lymph.

Learn to bio-hack lifestyle choices, address excess weight, feel lighter and more toned whilst also addressing common chronic conditions; like hormone issues, cardiovascular issues, skin conditions, gut issues, diabetes, and anxiety.

This is for those who’ve tried everything that is supposed to work and it’s just not or those looking to enhance and optimise their health.

Online Masterclass and Detox starting soon!

Get ready to take control of your mental and physical health.

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    Massage | Healing

    • A full body treatment that stimulates flow and vitality; freeing the pathways of our most fragile and underrated system.

      This detox treatment accelerates your lymphatic system’s natural cleansing and healing ability by removing toxins, metabolic wastes and excess fluid from your body. Using a combination of lymphatic, rhythmic strokes and sports massage to drain, reduce inflammation, promote flow, decrease pain and sculpt the body. Leave feeling lighter, slimmer and stronger.

      Incredible results will be seen and felt from session one, however for full benefit; to shift on a cellular level and really address chronic health concerns or weight loss i recommend booking a few sessions or enrolling in Lymphatics101.

      Learn more

    • This massage treatment is one of focus designed to restore healthy movement, decrease areas of restriction that cause pain, better facilitate the release of connective tissue by recruiting motor pathways & provide a new input to the nervous system, as well as changing dysfunctions, deformations and pain patterns.

      Weaving different modalities to stimulate blood flow, increase joint mobility, help to repair damaged tissues and release energetic blockages. The techniques aim to balance the length, tone and tension of muscles and tendons, restoring equilibrium within the body and in turn promoting healing.

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    • “Movement is the natural rhythm of the universe. When we stop moving — physically, emotionally or spiritually — parts of our being become dormant. As we move or allow those parts of ourself to be touched, we reconnect with, heal and remember who we are.”

      Take a moment to exhale, still the mind and find comfort in your own body. A luxurious full- body experience.

      Learn more


    Ayurveda Health Consultations

    When was the last time you received the attention and empathy you deserved, removed the root causes of an imbalance or illness, and truly restored your innate ability to heal and feel great?


    Improving your relationship with food

    Try something new

    Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes. Eating is one of the most nurturing and sacred acts, healthy food should also be delicious.

    Explore seasonal recipes

    Target Specific Issues

    If allergies, illness, or other aversions have complicated your relationship with food, a personalised plan might be right for you.

    Schedule a consultation