Our Philosophy

The body and mind don’t have to be a burden, they are a tool, an incredible interactive system to be harnessed and used so we can live to our fullest potential.

They’re a whole that cannot be divided into independent parts, when those systems are taken apart and compartmentalised they lose their essential properties.

YOU are not the sum of all the parts but the interaction of them.

Behind Śamana

Sam Turner, A writer and Health Counsellor, obsessed with human potential, the science of life and being a part of the change. 

Sam helps individuals enhance their innate ability to find true health and find autonomy over their state of being; addressing the all too Common Chronic Conditions, or ‘mystery illnesses’ we see today. 

She is the person people come to when they’re tired of going endless cycles with no real improvement; when conditions or symptoms stack no matter how many therapies, supplements, or medications are used, or when they’re deemed ‘incurable’.

Sam paves the way via a merging of Ayurveda (the science of life) with modern health sciences (neuroscience, physiology, pain science and biology) to fill in the blanks and get to the body and mind working for you before having to force anything.